
Springboard Mathematics Course 2 Unit 4 Answer Key

Unformatted text preview: Answers to Course 2 Unit 4 Practice Lesson 13-1 13. Check students' drawings. 1. a. 14. D 15. B (3x)˚ 51˚ Lesson 14-2 16. a. Unique; two angles and an included side form a unique triangle. b. 3x 1 51 5 180       x 5 43 b. Unique; two angles and a side form a unique triangle. c. One angle is 518; the other angle is 1298. c. More than one; a side length is also needed to determine a unique triangle. 2. B 3. C d. Unique; three side lengths determine a unique triangle. 4. x 5 388 17. A 5. x 5 21; m/ZTS 5 1168 and /NRQ 5 648 18. D 19. Three sides determine a unique triangle. Lesson 13-2 20. Yes, two sides and an included angle determine a unique triangle. 6. a. 748 b. 1068 Lesson 15-1 c. 748 7. x 5 308; The angles measure 1238, 368, and 458. 21. C 8. C 22. a. /A corresponds to /E, /B corresponds to /F, /C corresponds to /G, /D corresponds to /H 9. C b. AB corresponds to EF, BC corresponds to FG, 10. A 5 598 B 5 828 C 5 398 D 5 908 E 5 518 CD corresponds to GH, DA corresponds to HE c. 8 DC AD BC AB 10 5 5 , 5 5 20 EH FG 16 HG EF d. The corresponding sides are in proportion. The ratios of corresponding sides are equal to a common ratio of 1:2, the figures are in proportion. Lesson 14-1 11. a. Yes; 6 1 3 5 9, which is . 8. e. The figures are similar; the corresponding angles are equal and the corresponding sides are in proportion. b. Yes, 4 1 5 5 9, which is . 7. c. No, 6 1 8 5 14, which is not . 16. d. No, 7 1 7 5 14, which is not . 14. 23. Check students' drawings. The corresponding angles are congruent and the corresponding sides are proportional. 12. Answers may vary. Any length greater than 4 and less than 11 inches is correct. 24. Yes, they are in the ratio 1:4. 25. B © 2014 College Board. All rights reserved. A1 SpringBoard Course 2, Unit 4 Practice Lesson 15-2 42. C 26. BC 5 21 and ED 5 18 43. 201.6 in.2 27. C 44. D 28. a. Check students' drawings. 45. 630 in.2 b. 29. B x 4 5 ; The flagpole is 12 feet tall. 9 3 Lesson 17-2 30. 108 inches or 9 feet 46. D 47 a. 9 feet Lesson 16-1 b. Area of rectangle 5 8 ft by 15 ft 5 120 ft. 1 1 Area of semicircle is pr2 5 (3.14)(16) 2 2 5 25.12 ft2. Total area 5 120 1 25.12 5 145.12 ft2. 31. B 32. 113.04 inches 33. A 1 c. Circumference of semicircle is pd 5 2 1 (3.14)(8) 5 12.56 ft. Distance around three 2 sides of rectangle 5 15 1 8 1 15 5 38 ft. Total distance 5 12.56 ft 1 38 ft 5 50.56 ft. 34. About 104 revolutions; 600 feet 5 7,200 inches, Circumference is approximately 69.08 inches, 7,200 < 104.2 69.08 35. Diameter 5 18 cm; radius 5 9 cm. 48. D 49. Area of the pan 5 pr2 5 (3.14)(36) 5 113.04 in.2 Area of the pizza 5 pr2 5 (3.14)(16) 5 50.24 in.2 Area of pan not covered 5 113.04 in.2 2 50.24 in.2 5 62.8 in.2 1 1 50. Area of the triangle (cone) 5 bh 5 (6)(10) 2 2 5 30 ft2. Area of the semi circle (ice cream) 1 1 5 pr2 5 (3.14)(9) 5 14.13 ft2. 2 2 Total area 5 30 1 14.13 5 44.13 ft². Lesson 16-2 36. C 37. D 38. 452.16 cm2 39. a. p or 3.14 ft2 b. 109.96 ft2 40. 25.12 in.2; 3.14(8)2 5 200.96, 200.96 4 8 5 25.12 Lesson 17-1 41. a. Lesson 18-1 20 cm 51. a. hexagonal prism b. hexagon and square 52. triangle 8 cm 13 cm 53. B 54. C 11 cm 55. No, there are no curves in a triangular prism. b. 124 cm c. 52 cm © 2014 College Board. All rights reserved. A2 SpringBoard Course 2, Unit 4 Practice Lesson 18-2 63. C 56. a. 28 m2; the dimensions of each lateral face are 4 m by 7 m, so the area of each lateral face is 4 × 7 5 28. 64. 126 in.2 65. 257.25 ft2 b. 168 m2; 28 m2 3 6 lateral faces 5 168 m2 Lesson 19-1 c. 24 m; 4 m 3 6 sides 5 24 m 66. 216 ft3 57. a. 120 ft 2 67. D b. 174 ft2 68. C 58. B 69. 54 cubes; 36 4 4 5 9, 12 4 4 5 3, 8 4 4 5 2. There are two layers of 9-by-3 cubes, for a total of 54 cubes. 59. C 60. The two bases must be added to the lateral area to find the surface area of a rectangular prism. 70. 2736 in.3 Lesson 18-3 Lesson 19-2 61. B 71. a. 5043 cm3 62. a. 92.7 cm2; 1 L 5 P 3 1 2 1 L 5 3 (6 1 6 1 6) 3 10.3 5 92.7 2 b. 1066 cm3 c. 6109 cm3 72. A 73. 1792 in.3 b. 123.6 cm2 ; 1 SA 5 3 6 3 10.3 5 30.9 1 92.7 5 126.3 2 © 2014 College Board. All rights reserved. 74. C 75. 10,976 cm3 A3 SpringBoard Course 2, Unit 4 Practice ...
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Springboard Mathematics Course 2 Unit 4 Answer Key


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